Kareem Starkes (he/him), Parole Success Advocate, recently returned to society after 25 years of incarceration. While incarcerated, he developed and facilitated the “Goal Keepers” and “TAKE FLIGHT” rehabilitative recovery and support group programs, as well as the “Concentric Circle” BPH Parole Hearing Preparation support group. He is a certified SMART Recovery Inside Out Peers In Corrections addiction recovery program facilitator and trainer. He is also a certified CDCR YOP Mentor and trainer, where he held the position of lead facilitator. He is the Prison Coordinator for the Ten Toes In Non Profit Organization. He is presently registered as a RADT I through CCAPP, pursuing his certification as a SUDC I. He is a Parole Success Advocate with the assignment of facilitating the Home After Harm program at CSP-Los Angeles County.